What is Variational Inference?

Variational Inference is a technique used in Bayesian Statistics to approximate $p ( z \mid x)$ the conditional density of an unknown variable, z given an observed variable, x through optimization. To find this approximate density:

  • select a family of densities, $\mathscr{D}$ over the latent variables. Each member of the family q(z) $\in \mathscr{D}$ is a candidate approximation to the true density.
  • The optimization problem is then to find the member of this family which is closest in Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence to the conditional density of interest: $$ q^{*} (z) = \underset{q(z) \in \mathscr{D}}{\text{arg min}} \quad \text{KL} (q(z) \mid \mid p(z \mid x)) $$

Kullback-Leibler Divergence Link to heading

The divergence between two probability distributions is a statistical distance or scoring of how the distributions differ from each other. The Kullback-Leibler Divergence: D$_{KL} (P \mid \mid Q)$ 1 is also known as relative entropy and intuitively it is considered as the expected surprise from using Q as a model when the true distribution is P..

ELBO Link to heading

The Evidence Lower Bound

Citations Link to heading

Variational Inference: A Review for Statisticians

  1. $\mid \mid$ indicates divergence ↩︎