Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Maximum Likelihood Estimation


Likelihood describes the joint probability of observed data, y as a function of the parameters, $\theta$ of a statistical model. The likelihood is NOT a probability density function of the parameters. An intuitive way to consider the likelihood is as equal to the probability density of the outcome, y when the true value of the parameter is $\theta$.
$\mathcal{L}$ is a probability density over y NOT $\theta$.

Likelihood vs Density Function/Posterior Probability:

This can become confusing due to similarities in terminology/notation:

  • $ \mathcal{L} (\theta \mid y) $: Computes a density over y when parameters, $\theta$ are fixed, with the aim of maximising the probability.

  • $p (\theta \mid y)$: Computes the posterior probability used in Bayesian Inference to find the likely parameters given a specific outcome.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation:

What is Maximum Likelihood exactly? ML is the values of the parameters of the statistical model under which the observed data is most probable. To find these parameters we maximise the likelihood function to obtain: $$ \hat{\theta} = {argmax}_{\theta \in \Theta} \mathcal{L} (\theta \mid y)$$

Likelihood Function:

The joint probability density of the outcomes: $Y_{1}, Y_{2}, … Y_{n}$ observed, when these outcomes are regarded as a function of model parameters: $\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}, … \theta_{n}$ is the Likelihood function:

$$ L(\theta_{1}, … \theta_{m}) = \prod\limits_{i=1}^{n} f (y_{i}; \theta_{1}, … \theta_{m})$$

This is a product of all the observation probabilities. Each observation is treated as independent and is parameterised by the different “distribution parameters.”

A Quick Note on Log-Likelihood:

The natural logarithm: $\log(x) / \ln(x)$ is a monotonically increasing function. Maximising the log-likelihood is equivalent to maximising the likelihood.
N.B. The natural $\log$ is typically easier to differentiate and is more convenient to optimise in finding the MLE.

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