Information Theory

Brief Notes on Information Theory


  • Given a stochastic process which generates data $x$, the surprise associated with each datapoint is the reciprocal of its probability: $$ s(x) = \frac{1}{p(x)}; $$.
  • The lower the probability of an observation, the more “surprised” we are at seeing it. To capture the surprise of multiple independent events, we make use of the logarithm function: $$ s(x) = \log ( \frac{1}{p(x)} )$$ $$ s(xy) = \log ( \frac{1}{p(x) \cdot p(y)} ) = \log ( \frac{1}{p(x)} ) + \log ( \frac{1}{p(y)} )= s(x) + s(y) $$

Average Surprise:

Each observation has an associated probability. To get the amount of information produced by a series of inputs, we can take the expected value:. N.B. The Expected Surprise is the surprise for each outcome weighted by its probability: $$ H = p_{1} \log (\frac{1}{p_{1}}) + p_{2} \log (\frac{1}{p_{2}}) + … + p_{n} \log (\frac{1}{p_{n}})$$

  • given $$ \log \frac{1}{p_{i}} = - \log (p_{i})$$

$$\underbrace{H = - (p_{1} \log p_{1} + … + p_{n} \log p_{n})}_\text{This is known as ENTROPY. Entropy can be considered as the expected surprise.}$$

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